01. Maker's Inquiry - Italy 2014/2015

The research

The first edition of the Makers' Inquiry was presented during the 2013 Maker Faire Rome with the idea to conduct an out-and-out inquiry not just about makers but on their socio-economic condition. It was later run in 2014, and the results published in 2015.
This edition was a project promoted and coordinated by the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano together with Make in Italy Foundation and Make in Italy Association. This initiative has been created within DOP - DISTRIBUTED & OPEN PRODUCTION RE- SEARCH cluster, part of DESIS, international network on Design, Social Innovation and Sustainability.

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Scientific committee


With the support of

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APA Style 6th Edition
Bianchini, M., Menichinelli, M., Maffei, S., Bombardi, F., & Carosi, A. (2015). Makers’ Inquiry. Un’indagine socioeconomica sui makers italiani e su Make in Italy. Milano: Libraccio Editore. Retrieved from http://makersinquiry.org/

Download the BibTeX file

                        address = {Milano},
                        title = {Makers' {Inquiry}. {Un}'indagine socioeconomica sui makers italiani e su {Make} in {Italy}},
                        isbn = {978-88-97748-06-9},
                        url = {http://makersinquiry.org/},
                        publisher = {Libraccio Editore},
                        author = {Bianchini, Massimo and Menichinelli, Massimo and Maffei, Stefano and Bombardi, Francesco and Carosi, Alessandra},
                        month = mar,
                        year = {2015}


Data from the users
Author(s) Massimo Bianchini, Massimo Menichinelli, Stefano Maffei, Francesco Bombardi, Alessandra Carosi
License Creative Commons Attribution
Temporal coverage Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 00:00 to Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 00:00
.csv Survey data

Survey questions
Author(s) Massimo Bianchini, Massimo Menichinelli, Stefano Maffei, Francesco Bombardi, Alessandra Carosi
License Creative Commons Attribution
Temporal coverage Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 00:00 to Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 00:00
.txt Limesurvey survey file
.lss Limesurvey survey file
.xml Limesurvey survey file


The Python notebooks used for analyzing the data and visualizing it are accessible as open source here:

Related publications

The Virtuous Circle: Cumulus Conference 2015

A paper discussing the results of this edition of the Makers' Inquiry regarding Design education were presented in the Cumulus Milan 2015 conference.

APA Style 6th Edition
Menichinelli, M., Bianchini, M., Carosi, A., & Maffei, S. (2015). Designing and Making: What Could Change in Design Schools. A first Systemic Overview of Makers in Italy and Their Educational Contexts. In A. Meroni, L. Galluzzo, & L. Collina (Eds.), The Virtuous Circle - Cumulus Conference - Milan, June 2015. Milan: McGraw-Hill Education Italy. Retrieved from http://cumulusmilan2015.org/proceedings/articles/abs-101-Training/

Download the BibTeX file

                        address = {Milan},
                        title = {Designing and {Making}: {What} {Could} {Change} in {Design} {Schools}. {A} first {Systemic} {Overview} of {Makers} in {Italy} and {Their} {Educational} {Contexts}},
                        isbn = {978-88-386-9405-9},
                        url = {http://cumulusmilan2015.org/proceedings/articles/abs-101-Training/},
                        booktitle = {The {Virtuous} {Circle} - {Cumulus} {Conference} - {Milan}, {June} 2015},
                        publisher = {McGraw-Hill Education Italy},
                        author = {Menichinelli, Massimo and Bianchini, Massimo and Carosi, Alessandra and Maffei, Stefano},
                        editor = {Meroni, Anna and Galluzzo, Laura and Collina, Luisa},
                        year = {2015}

The Journal of Peer Production Issue #10 - Work

A journal article discussing the results of this edition of the Makers' Inquiry regarding the work condition of Makers was accepted in the Journal of Peer Production. The paper can be read online here or here below:

APA Style 6th Edition
Menichinelli, M., Bianchini, M., Carosi, A., & Maffei, S. (2017). Makers as a new work condition between self-employment and community peer-production. Insights from a survey on Makers in Italy. Journal of Peer Production, (10). Retrieved from http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-10-peer-production-and-work/peer-reviewed-papers/makers-as-a-new-work-condition-between-self-employment-and-community-peer-production-insights-from-a-survey-on-makers-in-italy/

Download the BibTeX file

    title = {Makers as a new work condition between self-employment and community peer-production. {Insights} from a survey on {Makers} in {Italy}},
    issn = {2213-5316},
    url = {http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-10-peer-production-and-work/peer-reviewed-papers/makers-as-a-new-work-condition-between-self-employment-and-community-peer-production-insights-from-a-survey-on-makers-in-italy/},
    number = {10},
    journal = {Journal of Peer Production},
    author = {Menichinelli, Massimo and Bianchini, Massimo and Carosi, Alessandra and Maffei, Stefano},
    month = jun,
    year = {2017}}

This edition was developed with the support of: